Monday, August 27, 2012

I need a vacation!

Work has been stressful lately and its not my dream career. It just pays the bills.
And unfortunately I don't just have the money to take time off or start up my own business.

So I'm thinking of creating a long weekend, in order to get household project finished before it gets cold. Seeing how I'd love to get the house in order, finish painting the cabinets, and turn the ironing board cabinet into a spice rack! I'd also love to make our nightstands using old wooden boxes and create our pot and pan rack out of old bike rims. I need time though. And entertainment for Max, because sometimes his naps mean a break for me too!

I wish I could afford to be able to go out for about every meal though, there's some new restuarants I'd love to check out!

So the question is, if you could have a vacation what would you do?

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